Tim Fitzgerald is a Gold Coast based writer, born in Grafton 1987. He was first published in Griffith University's highly competitive creative writing anthology, Talent Implied. During 2014-2015 Tim travelled China, visiting Beijing, Hangzhou, and Hong Kong in-between living and working in Shanghai. He is currently writing his first novel which is based on those experiences.
Short stories from recent publications
Method by Tim Fitzgerald
Talent Implied 2013
The Method is a short memoir which softly navigates the grief felt by Timothy and his family after the loss of his grandmother. He decides to bake for her wake, and the memories evoked are glimpses into a life that touched family, friends and community.
Just Talk Diamonds by Tim Fitzgerald
Talent Implied 2012
How can you dance past status once the glitter's gone and hold your own?
When Timothy meets Ke$ha, her entourage and manager while working at the Virgin Australia Lounge he's in for an incredible hour. Just Talk Diamonds is a personal essay which captures the challenges faced by those catering to celebrity in highbrow workplaces.